
Getting my life back.

I (26M) have been working at this start-up company for a couple of years now. I’ve been working 12hr night shifts for the past year and going on 3 months working alone. No coworker, no help. Day shift doesn’t even set me up for a “easier,” shift. The whole day they sit around accomplishing jack shit and expect me to come in by myself and do work load for multiple people. I can’t do it anymore. I’ve missed out on a lot of things working this job. Missed time with friends, family and over all, I’ve just been so lonely. Despite all of that I come in here, bust my ass just for a “Thanks,” or a got damn text message letting me know I forgot or missed something. I’m typing this as I’m sitting here for the next 12hrs doing nothing. No updates from the bosses about the future…

I (26M) have been working at this start-up company for a couple of years now. I’ve been working 12hr night shifts for the past year and going on 3 months working alone. No coworker, no help. Day shift doesn’t even set me up for a “easier,” shift. The whole day they sit around accomplishing jack shit and expect me to come in by myself and do work load for multiple people. I can’t do it anymore. I’ve missed out on a lot of things working this job. Missed time with friends, family and over all, I’ve just been so lonely. Despite all of that I come in here, bust my ass just for a “Thanks,” or a got damn text message letting me know I forgot or missed something. I’m typing this as I’m sitting here for the next 12hrs doing nothing. No updates from the bosses about the future of this job, they let go of my father for “job abandonment,” and no he wasn’t on shift with me. Whole place is fucked and idk what I’m doing or why I’m wasting my time here anymore.

I have a job interview tomorrow. Monday-Friday, 7am-3pm. Is it a pay cut? Significantly. But I’ll take a pay cut if it means getting my life back and more security. I met with a Therapist the other week cause I’ve just gotten to the point I can’t do this. HR found out I was working alone in a meeting where they were gonna write me up for being in my car a total of 30mins. He tells me “we all gotta do what we gotta do right now to get by.” Wtf is that? I’m in here about to get wrote up because I’m tired of being in this damn prison all day. So hopefully I get this job. If so I’m contemplating even giving them a notice. I’ve been trying to leave for a while, and these past few months have done me in.

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