
I quit over Labor day weekend, and now I have a $5/hr raise.

In my last post I quit over my bosses trying to force me to work way more hours with no extra holiday pay. Well on Tuesday after Labor day I went in to get my last check, they texted me that it was ready. Yes I know that I could wait for them to mail it to me, but I wanted my cash now, and the BBQ place was only 10 minutes from my home and the way to my other job, so not much of a trip. They lost 4 people that week. So they had 7 people to run the store. With 2 being the owners, and 2 being the owners family hires, that were basically ghost employees all 4 of them were forced to work over labor day week end. Turns out that is hard. After some back and forth, I ended up with a $5 raise,…

In my last post I quit over my bosses trying to force me to work way more hours with no extra holiday pay.

Well on Tuesday after Labor day I went in to get my last check, they texted me that it was ready. Yes I know that I could wait for them to mail it to me, but I wanted my cash now, and the BBQ place was only 10 minutes from my home and the way to my other job, so not much of a trip.

They lost 4 people that week. So they had 7 people to run the store. With 2 being the owners, and 2 being the owners family hires, that were basically ghost employees all 4 of them were forced to work over labor day week end. Turns out that is hard.

After some back and forth, I ended up with a $5 raise, better hours, so no more 5am to 11pm days, and 2 free meals when I am there working. Yes I got it in writing. I know that they will fire me the moment they can, so I told the other 3 about my deal so that they could get it too. I plan on riding it out for as long as I can.

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