
Coworker and I filed HR complaint on officer manager

I’ve worked at this job for a little over a year and office morale has been low since I started. The complaints are usually the same from almost every secretary and it all stems from the officer manager and how she runs the office. She is never consistent, she’ll tell you one thing then expect something else, she’ll let certain employees get away with anything but will get mad with others for any small mistake or issue. We have a girl who works our front desk which is an important hub for our office. It’s the first place where most of our paperwork and documents gets filtered through to our secretaries. She just turned 19 and is also the daughter to one of the supervisors in our office. She was hired a year ago but still makes frequent mistakes, loses documents, and is constantly behind on her work. Her job…

I’ve worked at this job for a little over a year and office morale has been low since I started. The complaints are usually the same from almost every secretary and it all stems from the officer manager and how she runs the office. She is never consistent, she’ll tell you one thing then expect something else, she’ll let certain employees get away with anything but will get mad with others for any small mistake or issue.
We have a girl who works our front desk which is an important hub for our office. It’s the first place where most of our paperwork and documents gets filtered through to our secretaries. She just turned 19 and is also the daughter to one of the supervisors in our office. She was hired a year ago but still makes frequent mistakes, loses documents, and is constantly behind on her work. Her job affects everyone in the office since her work trickles down to everyone else. We used to take our concerns to the office manager but she would always have an excuse for her. Recently we started taking our concerns to one of the other supervisors hoping she could bring these concerns to the office manager and maybe she’d have more influence but the same thing happens. The office manager acted so “surprised” that there were these issues and basically blew her off.
After hearing about this, a coworker and I went to HR to make a complaint on the officer manager for favoritism. We made a statement and we’re supposed to meet with the main HR guy Monday morning and then he’ll go to the main boss of the office. It was a relief to finally say something but now I’m super anxious about what will happen. Will it just make everything worse? Was going to HR a good idea? Especially since the main boss will stand up for the office manager since he has no idea about what really happens in the office and there’s no way he’ll let her go since she handles everything for our grants. I feel like all hell is going to break loose.

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