This is a rant/vent sesh mostly.
I'm an expat in the US (37 yo) – Midwest, Bible Belt… Springfield, MO. Married to the most amazing woman on Earth. A year into our marriage (nine years ago) I met a guy from my own country here. He was a big shot in a company here, like a son to the owner, etc. He got me a job there. Amazing guy, one of the most genuine and loyal people I've ever met.
I worked my way up from an $8.00/hr warehouse job to now working in their Sales department as a salesman, making 55K a year after comission. I do inside and outside sales both, including cold calling.
We've got new, more corporate management. Lots of changes. New CEO is a “My way or the Highway” kind of guy. All the people I started there with or worked with on my path to where I am quit over the course of eight years. And my boss, the countryman who got me the job at the company, is a year away from retirement. As a result all decisions the CEO makes, they don't even bother informing him.
Since Day 1 at this job I wanted to get where I am now. And now that I'm there, I hate it. I hate the city anyway, it's like living in a third world country with zero employment rights, zero first world amenities and a bunch of MAGA morons and religious right wing nutbars running around. But this job? I dread going to it every Monday – ie, today.
My wife and I plan to sell all our shit and move to my country in three years so no point in finding a different job and risking a paycut. I just have to tough it out for three more years.
Back home, my brother in law is CEO and part owner of an up and coming beverage company. I'll be blunt – he is a fucking great guy and larger than life – it's going to be huge, I feel. He's offered to help me with work when the time comes.
The prospect of working in a job I'd actually enjoy is both foreign (haha) to me and so tempting. I'd subconsciously decided this currrnt job is what it is, until I realized one day I can actually go to a job I'd enjoy.
But right now, I hate my job. Sigh.
Rant over, thanks for listening.