
This job is going to be the death of me.

I took an office job, thinking it would be a chill nice environment where I wouldn’t get over anxious and stressed every 5 minutes. Boy was I wrong. Not only has this job overstressed me, it’s literally completely different than what I thought I’d be doing. All I want to do is quit. I think about it everyday. But I have nothing to fall back on until somewhere else hires me. Which could take another month. I wish I listened to myself and said no to this job offer. But I have no money to just quit. It’s just one big cycle that keeps you in the system. I feel so depressed, so stuck, and I just want this all to end.

I took an office job, thinking it would be a chill nice environment where I wouldn’t get over anxious and stressed every 5 minutes. Boy was I wrong. Not only has this job overstressed me, it’s literally completely different than what I thought I’d be doing.

All I want to do is quit. I think about it everyday. But I have nothing to fall back on until somewhere else hires me. Which could take another month. I wish I listened to myself and said no to this job offer. But I have no money to just quit. It’s just one big cycle that keeps you in the system.

I feel so depressed, so stuck, and I just want this all to end.

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