
How the hell is this fair?

My father can’t get 2 days off of work after getting a severely black eye? The boss told him you can still see out the other??? Is this even legal?? Or fair??? My stepdad basically got punched super hard, like his eye was so swollen and purple and turning black now, he went to the doctors and even they said 2 days off of work, but his job doesn’t allow doctors excuse notes either he said! What the hell??? He’s just supposed to work for 2 days with a black fucking eye that’s sore and hard to see out of ??? I’m just wondering, is this legal OR morally right?

My father can’t get 2 days off of work after getting a severely black eye? The boss told him you can still see out the other??? Is this even legal?? Or fair???
My stepdad basically got punched super hard, like his eye was so swollen and purple and turning black now, he went to the doctors and even they said 2 days off of work, but his job doesn’t allow doctors excuse notes either he said! What the hell??? He’s just supposed to work for 2 days with a black fucking eye that’s sore and hard to see out of ???
I’m just wondering, is this legal OR morally right?

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