
I almost got fired for a stupid reason

I almost got instantly fired from my work… Context, I work at a pizzeria and it’s kind of a open kitchen where they’re kinda connected together. I slipped when we were closing tonight, and fell on my knee and arm, and screamed out “Fuck!” From getting hurt. No one was there customer wise, so it wasn’t that much of a commotion but still… we finished closing and when I was about to leave, the kitchen manager pulled me aside and told me not to do that again, because the other manager who ran the whole place would’ve fired me on the spot if I did that and someone was there… Our place has a 3 strike policy, and I don’t have any strikes but some things can get you instantly fired Like I mean, dude I literally just saw red, because I was so pissed when I fell, I can’t…

I almost got instantly fired from my work…

Context, I work at a pizzeria and it’s kind of a open kitchen where they’re kinda connected together. I slipped when we were closing tonight, and fell on my knee and arm, and screamed out “Fuck!” From getting hurt. No one was there customer wise, so it wasn’t that much of a commotion but still… we finished closing and when I was about to leave, the kitchen manager pulled me aside and told me not to do that again, because the other manager who ran the whole place would’ve fired me on the spot if I did that and someone was there…

Our place has a 3 strike policy, and I don’t have any strikes but some things can get you instantly fired

Like I mean, dude I literally just saw red, because I was so pissed when I fell, I can’t really help it,

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