
Talking at work

What the fuck is going on? I’m at my fourth job in a year, for some very valid, unrelated reasons. The first was a production worker job at a steel mill, and week one everyone was screamed at for going on smoke breaks too much. Fine. I don’t smoke but that’s valid. Week two, “word came down from above” that they saw everyone talking too much. Weird. Nothing to do but talk to each other while we spray painted piles of steel. Left that job. Then I worked at a dealership for about three months. Started great, then by the end we basically got told that we were all too happy and talkative at work (while working with each other) and even though our numbers were great, we got told “stay at your bay and don’t socialize. Then I worked at a fucking industrial supply company replacing pc parts and…

What the fuck is going on? I’m at my fourth job in a year, for some very valid, unrelated reasons. The first was a production worker job at a steel mill, and week one everyone was screamed at for going on smoke breaks too much. Fine. I don’t smoke but that’s valid. Week two, “word came down from above” that they saw everyone talking too much. Weird. Nothing to do but talk to each other while we spray painted piles of steel. Left that job.

Then I worked at a dealership for about three months. Started great, then by the end we basically got told that we were all too happy and talkative at work (while working with each other) and even though our numbers were great, we got told “stay at your bay and don’t socialize.

Then I worked at a fucking industrial supply company replacing pc parts and fixing laptops for their IT team. Soldering and stuff. We got told progressively more and more to stop socializing and to not interact with each other. Ended up driving me away because I was spending 10 hour shifts listening to podcast and being completely deprived of human connection. The owners were happier the more miserable we felt.

Then I quit that place and just got a new job building security cameras – convinced myself that I was the problem and decided to not speak at all unless spoken to. Clearly three jobs in a row don’t like me talking, so I decided to be silent. Just smile, laugh, do the work, and be a positive, quiet worker bee. On the way out the door today, the owners wife asked me if I was liking it, I said absolutely I love it! Then she told me that the owner was upset with all the talking and said I should focus on the work and not be having discussions. I literally have spoken maybe 20 sentences about work, at work, in the last month. I said NOTHING that could even be perceived as negative or talkative.

Am I losing my fucking mind or are business getting really fucking weird about their employees establishing healthy social relationships? Does everyone employer just want socially repressed incels to work 60 hour weeks and never even respond when asked questions?

To make matters worse I started college again this semester and NOBODY speaks to each other. It’s just awkward silence for fucking hours. Me and the teachers and other older students having healthy discourse while these young kids sit in silence on their phones. Can’t even get some eye contact anymore.

Are we losing communication altogether?! Is being slightly extroverted becoming a disability or something? I’ve never been told I have anything less than exceptional performance at work, yet I can’t have a friendly conversation while getting stuff done?

FUCKK man.

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