
I’m about to get fired

Long story short, the owner of my company didn’t like my boss, so he fired him. He’s collecting unemployment now. My boss hired me because we’ve worked together before in the same type of role and he knew I’d be good at it. I trained a coworker who had never touched tech before how to repair all the devices we handle. The owner has decided that he wants to cut 1 person from our repair team, and I know it’s going to be me for the reasons below. He’s trying to undo everything our former boss did. Our former boss hired me. He threatened my job over a power strip on Friday. Without the power strip I am a lot slower than my coworkers. They were allowed to keep both of their power strips, but I was forced to get rid of one under threat of losing my job. Two…

Long story short, the owner of my company didn’t like my boss, so he fired him. He’s collecting unemployment now. My boss hired me because we’ve worked together before in the same type of role and he knew I’d be good at it. I trained a coworker who had never touched tech before how to repair all the devices we handle. The owner has decided that he wants to cut 1 person from our repair team, and I know it’s going to be me for the reasons below.

  1. He’s trying to undo everything our former boss did. Our former boss hired me.

  2. He threatened my job over a power strip on Friday. Without the power strip I am a lot slower than my coworkers. They were allowed to keep both of their power strips, but I was forced to get rid of one under threat of losing my job.

  3. Two of the managers were discussing how it was gonna be me let go. They were overheard by a friend of mine in a different department, and she let me know.

I’m gonna go into work today, cancel my PTO for next month and put it in for this week so I can use it to job search. I hope my vacation still works out. Ive been excited to go on this trip with my sister the entire year.

I’ll name drop once they fire me or I quit.

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