
Fired from job I hated

So, yesterday I was fired. I started working at a newspaper a little over a week ago. The reason I hated this job so very much was because the it was a religious newspaper, meaning that it was entirely impossible to avoid writing some backwards af shit. But I took it because money. I should also preface this story by saying that my boss warned me that I wasn't doing well there, that things might not be working out, but he'd give me another chance to prove myself. Anyhow, yesterday the office sent me on a task to take some cutesy social media videos of the kids attending religious faith school. Like I say, I really hated this job. Here is the first part that's entirely on me. Upon my arrival, as I waited for the teacher I had to meet, I sat in the lobby of a school vaping.…

So, yesterday I was fired.

I started working at a newspaper a little over a week ago. The reason I hated this job so very much was because the it was a religious newspaper, meaning that it was entirely impossible to avoid writing some backwards af shit. But I took it because money. I should also preface this story by saying that my boss warned me that I wasn't doing well there, that things might not be working out, but he'd give me another chance to prove myself.

Anyhow, yesterday the office sent me on a task to take some cutesy social media videos of the kids attending religious faith school.

Like I say, I really hated this job. Here is the first part that's entirely on me. Upon my arrival, as I waited for the teacher I had to meet, I sat in the lobby of a school vaping. There were no kids around, no adults either. I'm not trying to write some biased shit here, I'm want to give the full story. That's my screw-up, I just wasn't trying to impress people like I should've been.

They took me up to the office to meet the teacher – when I say she was pretty vile, I mean it. She talked to me like shit from the moment I met her. I think at one point I said something that made it clear I wasn't particularly religious, which didn't help whatsoever. But I doubt she knew I had taken a couple of drags of a vape in the lobby when I was trying to work with her. Anyway, she walked me into the classroom to take videos of the kids. I probably spent about 5-10 minutes total in her classroom. Then I went into the teachers' lounge, and pulled one kid out at a time to ask them questions and take little clips. That probably didn't take long, either. It wasn't my decision; the teacher stopped me, telling me she didn't want me pulling any more kids out of class.

It was at that point I looked at the iPad and realised something; that I'd fucked up. That I hadn't actually gotten clips at all – I only had blurry-ass pictures.

I freaked out, because the teacher clearly hated my ass. But I needed her help. So I asked her, ''Can I have more time with the kids? Or ask another teacher if I can use their kids?'' I pretty much knew she'd say no, but worth a shot. She told me ''No, you've already wasted enough of my time.'' She was one of those people that thought their time exceptionally precious. That shit pissed me off. Like I say, this shit took me like 40 minutes or something, and most of it wasn't in her classroom at all. Anyway, I tried to hide my feelings about her entire personality, but I guess she could tell I didn't like her from my facial expressions/tone. She said, ''I think you're being pretty rude.'' I said, ''Whatever, I'm going to ask another teacher.'' Anyway, it culminated into a tense situation.

When I returned to the office, one of my coworkers said ''You're in big trouble.'' I knew I was. Turns out this lady had called the office and told me she wanted me legally banned from her place of work – something she had literally no legal recourse for. I used to work at a legal partnership, I know that. Disliking someone isn't legal recourse for literally anything. Anyway, my workplace sided with her. I was fired

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