
My boss (the owner) told me and our Ops manager “I fucking hate them all” referring to the employees not in management.

Long story short, I work at an extremely toxic company under an extremely toxic owner who I've witnessed attempt to strong-arm accounts payable to find loopholes to labor laws, has *encouraged* employees not to discuss their pay rates after absolutely bungling awarding raises to them at totally different rates for totally arbitrary reasons she couldn't back up. She's lied outright and gaslit me about the most easily disprovable things and consistently references me struggling immensely last year due to my extreme depression (previously undiagnosed bi-polar, came very close to committing suicide) as a reason for delaying my pay raise. But my favorite so far was a recent slip-of-the-tongue due to a lack of perceived cleanliness on the part of another employee, where she looked out at all of them and said “I fucking hate all of them. I FUCKING hate them.” to me and the OPs manager, before saying “I…

Long story short, I work at an extremely toxic company under an extremely toxic owner who I've witnessed attempt to strong-arm accounts payable to find loopholes to labor laws, has *encouraged* employees not to discuss their pay rates after absolutely bungling awarding raises to them at totally different rates for totally arbitrary reasons she couldn't back up. She's lied outright and gaslit me about the most easily disprovable things and consistently references me struggling immensely last year due to my extreme depression (previously undiagnosed bi-polar, came very close to committing suicide) as a reason for delaying my pay raise. But my favorite so far was a recent slip-of-the-tongue due to a lack of perceived cleanliness on the part of another employee, where she looked out at all of them and said “I fucking hate all of them. I FUCKING hate them.” to me and the OPs manager, before saying “I shouldn't have said that, you didn't hear that.” I would've said something to HR, but its an outside company that is absolutely useless and only works 4 hours a week with ours. Just venting.

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