
System is designed so most people are miserable

If life is good when you're born, best case scenario is to maintain the good life. Meaning you'll never know the joy of real improvement and at best can only maintain constantly afraid of falling into a badness you've never known. Unfortunately the only people to ever feel or experience the good life are people born into it. The vast majority of us are born into some but not enough to qualify as “the good life” and will spend our whole lives trying to get there. We won't statistically and because the system needs 5 bad lives for every decent one. Our nature as humans makes us susceptible some staking anecdote for fact. Which is what keeps us trying despite at least on some level knowing where the odds lie. And sure there are that silver who make it from the mob of “Not enough” into the good life, and…

If life is good when you're born, best case scenario is to maintain the good life. Meaning you'll never know the joy of real improvement and at best can only maintain constantly afraid of falling into a badness you've never known.

Unfortunately the only people to ever feel or experience the good life are people born into it.

The vast majority of us are born into some but not enough to qualify as “the good life” and will spend our whole lives trying to get there.

We won't statistically and because the system needs 5 bad lives for every decent one. Our nature as humans makes us susceptible some staking anecdote for fact. Which is what keeps us trying despite at least on some level knowing where the odds lie.

And sure there are that silver who make it from the mob of “Not enough” into the good life, and youre greatful and generous and keep us all clamoring for it. And… whatever… dope for you… eat a dick … unless I can borrow some money you know I won't pay back.

You'd think if we prioritized our happiness we'd create a society with much more free mobility so that you could experience all walks learn from adversity and celebrate triumph and redemption… but I guess rich people would rather walk past the homeless worried about keeping what they've got.


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