
Packed bags and left

Twice I’ve been asked to do the job of another colleague/ position of which I have no education or background in. I’ve explained this isn’t what I do and restated my title, and background/experience of which I was hired for! Boss insist colleague doesn’t know what she’s doing so throws it on me. The colleague actually does a great job with what she’s given to work with!!! Today a badly written note was left on my desk to once again do something colleague is hired to do. I deducted this based on clue words bc the note looked like my two year old wrote it. Why wouldn’t boss EMAIL me in a professional manner is beyond my comprehension. I proceed to CONTINUE working on a project I’ve been getting harassed for (bad data in internal system) while I attempt to clean up a report with 4,000 names line by line.…

Twice I’ve been asked to do the job of another colleague/ position of which I have no education or background in. I’ve explained this isn’t what I do and restated my title, and background/experience of which I was hired for! Boss insist colleague doesn’t know what she’s doing so throws it on me. The colleague actually does a great job with what she’s given to work with!!!

Today a badly written note was left on my desk to once again do something colleague is hired to do. I deducted this based on clue words bc the note looked like my two year old wrote it. Why wouldn’t boss EMAIL me in a professional manner is beyond my comprehension.

I proceed to CONTINUE working on a project I’ve been getting harassed for (bad data in internal system) while I attempt to clean up a report with 4,000 names line by line. I receive a nasty email that a note was left on my desk and it was an URGENT matter but I didn’t do it and now boss was in a meeting and had no idea when she’ll be getting out. WTH …and basically I didn’t follow instructions. You know, putting it in writing I guess. I’m sick of the micro management and passive aggressive behavior from this leader that does nothing all day but sit in Teams meeting disrupting my work flow every half hour. I packed my things and sent email I’m going home. I’ve since received a text asking where I am and what’s wrong. I am not responding bc frankly I’m still upset at the disrespect. This department has a large turnover bc of leader so I know HR is worthless. When “the talk” happens I’m letting it all out and let the chips fall where they may.

P.S. I’ve showed two ppl the note who scratched their heads saying WTH is this? Yeah um NO! Why must ppl be ASSES??? Like just leave people alone and let them do their jobs!!

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