
Am I the ahole for planning to quit my job with no notice?

Me fm 23 am about to quit my job once I find a new one. I started at job at a retail store and I wasn't getting enough hours so I asked for more. I ended up getting less hours that pretty sus fam. I'm now only working 1 day a week so I decided to look for a 2nd job and asked my boss about that. She said it's fine that I do that as long as it's not a competitor. I was like ok I will find one close by to you guys so I started looking. As time goes on I get more and more frustrated about me not getting enough hours I'm in credit card debt. My parents are helping by letting me live with them rent free. But I still have to pay off my credit card and pay my insurance. Which is making it…

Me fm 23 am about to quit my job once I find a new one. I started at job at a retail store and I wasn't getting enough hours so I asked for more. I ended up getting less hours that pretty sus fam. I'm now only working 1 day a week so I decided to look for a 2nd job and asked my boss about that. She said it's fine that I do that as long as it's not a competitor. I was like ok I will find one close by to you guys so I started looking. As time goes on I get more and more frustrated about me not getting enough hours I'm in credit card debt. My parents are helping by letting me live with them rent free. But I still have to pay off my credit card and pay my insurance. Which is making it hard to safe money like I would like to. After talking to my mom I'm going to get a new job and I'm going to get one at an competitor because why not I'm leaving anyways do who cares. Once I find a new one and get the start date ( because I've had job offers in the pass and they fell through before I could get a start date) so once that happens I'm going to my boss tell her I quit and that I will not be giving a “proper notice” I mean it's not going to hurt that much. And if they wanted to fire me I wouldn't get a notice so I'm just matching that same energy. And when I am there it can get real stressful. I was lectured by a manager for asking her to translate for me when I was helping a customer that doesn't speak english and that manager knows that language they where speaking. I'm religious and this job is always like pushing me away from God himself because I get so angry that I won't want to pray or read my Bible. So am I a bad person for going to quit with no notice?

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