
I’ve started working for the public library system, and I feel like I’m in Sweden or something

I am a student, and my plan is to get a masters in library science after I finish my undergrad. I have a two-year degree currently that I finished last month. I've spent the last 4 + years in retail and food service in a state with little to no worker's rights. No benefits, horrible wages, toxic work environments. I mean, I have nerve damage and had to do physical labor beyond my capacity because I needed money & caused more nerve damage. I spent years working until 3 am to close up restaurants sometimes alone, and then called in again at 9 am because they were understaffed. I had a caffeine & nicotine addiction, and I smoked weed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, to get through my chronic pain and be able to work physical labor. I spent a year at a job that did not have a break (just…

I am a student, and my plan is to get a masters in library science after I finish my undergrad. I have a two-year degree currently that I finished last month.

I've spent the last 4 + years in retail and food service in a state with little to no worker's rights. No benefits, horrible wages, toxic work environments. I mean, I have nerve damage and had to do physical labor beyond my capacity because I needed money & caused more nerve damage. I spent years working until 3 am to close up restaurants sometimes alone, and then called in again at 9 am because they were understaffed. I had a caffeine & nicotine addiction, and I smoked weed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, to get through my chronic pain and be able to work physical labor. I spent a year at a job that did not have a break (just smoke breaks) & it was legal. Managers & owners of the places I worked treated us like we were stupid, lazy, and needed managed through punishment. Pain and illness were lies to get out of work, and we were held to ridiculous expectations that made no sense. Chased raises like a carrot on a stick & stayed hungry.

After getting my first degree, and after interviewing with the public library for a THIRD time, I finally got an entry into the field im pursuing. I cannot tell you the relief I felt on my first day. I actually had to hold back tears every now and then.

They have paid sick leave, vacation days, paid holidays, health insurance, a retirement plan, the list goes on just for a part-time job. Also, they help with your tuition if you're pursuing library science. I'll be in less debt.

Not only is this job secure with benefits, everyone is kind and humanitarian. I'm not afraid of my supervisors. I feel like I can tell them if I'm sick/in too much pain. They have a mental health wellness program & actual policies regarding mental health. All of their staff furniture is also ergonomic and, of course, I'm allowed to sit down. My coworkers care about their job, care about their coworkers, care about the patrons, and are extremely progressive and humanitarian. I cannot emphasize this enough.

Also, I am a queer person and have had instances in former work places where I have been harassed by coworkers and management (as far as revealing medical information) and had to leave without notice. I am not protected in my sate. My new workplace has anti-discrimination policies, the staff are very loud allies, and
I'm not afraid to go to work.

I'm basically never going to leave. I feel so relieved.

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