
First for me

So on 9/6 I applied online for a position at a local ER. On 9/7 I received notification for an interview. I set it up for today (9/13). The recruiter calls early and proceeds to reiterate the position and the hours. She stops after reiterating the position because she received notification that an offer letter was just sent out. It lasted an entire minute and fourteen seconds. She says that she will reach back out if the individual declines the position. The job was only posted for two weeks when I had applied and set up the interview. All I can think of is what. the. fuck.

So on 9/6 I applied online for a position at a local ER. On 9/7 I received notification for an interview. I set it up for today (9/13). The recruiter calls early and proceeds to reiterate the position and the hours. She stops after reiterating the position because she received notification that an offer letter was just sent out. It lasted an entire minute and fourteen seconds. She says that she will reach back out if the individual declines the position. The job was only posted for two weeks when I had applied and set up the interview. All I can think of is what. the. fuck.

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