
Bitter co-worker is getting on my nerves.

My job has been scheduling us every single day for the past two months and shows no sign of changing any time soon. We can arrange for days off or if we need to, or we call in. Working every day wears me down and I call in occasionally. And without fail when I come back I always have this one co-worker who goes out of his way to give me shit for it every single time. “I bet you slept a lot yesterday, huh?” or “Did you get enough rest?” “I bet you just played video games all day, huh?” Etc..and it goes on all day for a few days. Just snide little comments over and over and it fucking gets old. Today he just wouldn't let it go and I finally snapped at him and told him it was enough and that he needs to fucking get over…

My job has been scheduling us every single day for the past two months and shows no sign of changing any time soon. We can arrange for days off or if we need to, or we call in.
Working every day wears me down and I call in occasionally. And without fail when I come back I always have this one co-worker who goes out of his way to give me shit for it every single time. “I bet you slept a lot yesterday, huh?” or “Did you get enough rest?” “I bet you just played video games all day, huh?” Etc..and it goes on all day for a few days. Just snide little comments over and over and it fucking gets old. Today he just wouldn't let it go and I finally snapped at him and told him it was enough and that he needs to fucking get over it. This dude works every day, even when we have days off scheduled he will come in for OT and if it's a holiday he'll do fire watch. Which is fine. It works for him. (He once gave me a speech about how he views our job as a privilege and all this other bullshit.) But I don't think I am any less valuable just because I need a break now and then. But right now he's all butt hurt and I just don't get it. I don't see why working every day is something to be proud of and I certainly don't have to receive flak from this asshole.

Thanks for letting me rant.

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