
THE ‘Avocado Toast’ millionaire wants unemployment to jump to kill worker’s entitled attitudes.

Tim Gurner, Australian real estate mogul millionaire who famously said folks would be able to afford homes if they stopped buying avocado toast, thinks “tradies” or tradespeople “have been paid a lot to do not too much”. Not only does he say “we need to see unemployment rise […] jump 40-50%” but that “we need to see pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer”. The cherry on top “We've got to kill that attitude […] through hurting the economy […] The governments around the world are trying to increase unemployment to get that” TLDR: THE 'Avocado Toast' millionaire wants unemployment to jump to kill worker's entitled attitudes.

Tim Gurner, Australian real estate mogul millionaire who famously said folks would be able to afford homes if they stopped buying avocado toast, thinks “tradies” or tradespeople “have been paid a lot to do not too much”. Not only does he say “we need to see unemployment rise […] jump 40-50%” but that “we need to see pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer”.

The cherry on top “We've got to kill that attitude […] through hurting the economy […] The governments around the world are trying to increase unemployment to get that”

TLDR: THE 'Avocado Toast' millionaire wants unemployment to jump to kill worker's entitled attitudes.

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