
quit after 5 months to prioritize happiness?

someone just tell me what to do! about 5 months ago i got my first salaried role. after a rough job search, i was blinded by the light and took the first offer i got as most people maybe would. the job has good pay and benefits. the issue is its in the office five days a week and my commute is about an hour on a terrible mountain road. its proving to be more and more unsustainable. i feel like all i do in life is work or drive to/from work. i feel disconnected from the community i actually live in because i spend all my time an hour away. some other issues are i dont align culturally with the office or my coworkers and have even faced what i consider some light bullying by some coworkers. my boss has been good and i respect him and dont want…

someone just tell me what to do!

about 5 months ago i got my first salaried role. after a rough job search, i was blinded by the light and took the first offer i got as most people maybe would.

the job has good pay and benefits. the issue is its in the office five days a week and my commute is about an hour on a terrible mountain road.

its proving to be more and more unsustainable. i feel like all i do in life is work or drive to/from work. i feel disconnected from the community i actually live in because i spend all my time an hour away.

some other issues are i dont align culturally with the office or my coworkers and have even faced what i consider some light bullying by some coworkers.

my boss has been good and i respect him and dont want to burn bridges.

the work itself is fine but being burned out has affected my productivity. and because of the nature of the work there is no real option for wfh.

i have applied to some wfh and jobs in my city but haven’t heard back from anyone as of now.

i guess my question is should i put in my two weeks and get a service job that makes me less miserable while i wait to get a remote job in my field?

i had a service job before this and they informally expressed they would rehire me.

the issue is obviously happiness vs security. i dont have a family and my only real obligation is paying my rent and ideally saving a portion of my income.

i tend to be impulsive and just want a quick fix. i know i’d be happier quitting this job. but i worry about security as well as resume gaps/finding a role in my field down the line. i also realize it’s not a great look to leave a role so quickly.

but am i living for a future hypothetical me and sacrificing happiness? we only have one life and i spend it a slave to this job.

what would you do?

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