
False promises/merit pay?

So I'm mostly just mad and want to vent but I am curious if there's any legal routes possible. Basically I'm a personal trainer for this box gym and they have a criteria you need to hit in order to receive a raise. The issue is one of the criterias was to receive a specialization certification from this company called nasm (any certification within their specialization category). So I did one and submitted it and it took a month for them to tell me it was rejected (I had to ask them what the status was). Their reasoning was pretty much bullsh*t and that one is an “acception to the category” and because “their still working out the details”. I just found out that today and was originally told about the criteria for the raise back in January so how are they still working on it? Again really just venting…

So I'm mostly just mad and want to vent but I am curious if there's any legal routes possible. Basically I'm a personal trainer for this box gym and they have a criteria you need to hit in order to receive a raise. The issue is one of the criterias was to receive a specialization certification from this company called nasm (any certification within their specialization category). So I did one and submitted it and it took a month for them to tell me it was rejected (I had to ask them what the status was). Their reasoning was pretty much bullsh*t and that one is an “acception to the category” and because “their still working out the details”. I just found out that today and was originally told about the criteria for the raise back in January so how are they still working on it? Again really just venting but I was curious and saw some stuff online about false promises and merit pay I don't really know if that applies to this

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