
Looking for more advice regarding 2 demanding directors

I play a supportive role for everyone on my team and I enjoy doing it. I often get praised, acknowledged, raises and bonuses for playing out my role. So much so that they even created a role for me which I express gratitude for continuously. My reputation has always been positive and I've been praised for always working with a smile no matter what. My work period is less than 5 hours so I work extra hard to make sure that time is used wisely. I respect them no less nor dislike them any less for the issues that have become pattern as of late, but am getting treated as difficult for expressing that I have been degraded (intentionally or unintentionally) and shown lack of respect for my time. Other former employees have expressed degrading treatment before eventually leaving as well (we're all minorities). I recently have spoken to one…

I play a supportive role for everyone on my team and I enjoy doing it. I often get praised, acknowledged, raises and bonuses for playing out my role. So much so that they even created a role for me which I express gratitude for continuously. My reputation has always been positive and I've been praised for always working with a smile no matter what. My work period is less than 5 hours so I work extra hard to make sure that time is used wisely. I respect them no less nor dislike them any less for the issues that have become pattern as of late, but am getting treated as difficult for expressing that I have been degraded (intentionally or unintentionally) and shown lack of respect for my time. Other former employees have expressed degrading treatment before eventually leaving as well (we're all minorities).

I recently have spoken to one director regarding receiving tasks that probably sound well explained when handing off, but are far from that as the receiver. If I need more details, it's either hard to track them down to provide said issues, or they expect me to figure it out. For example, I was asked to research products for a project. I asked if they could briefly share functions they are looking to utilize and the response I get is “we don't know what functions we need.” I explain that makes it harder for me to research what would be useful for us, and they didn't understand why I can't just generate a random report for something we don't even know what we need it for.

Another issue I pointed out is that she is clear that she doesn't want me working after-hours, but often I get asked to help out after hours (I'm happy to help but clearly being told they don't want to pay for the extra work as well). Sometimes I have to give professional push back because I simply am not available (many times I'm dealing with healthcare for myself or other family members) to which I'm often told “do it anyway”. When I pointed this out, I was told that because they are above me, I should just do it. I may note that these are tasks that often take a few seconds that could have been spent doing in the time it took them to reach out to me. I have no problem helping if something isn't working or they don't have the bandwidth, but if I say I'm not available I feel that should be respected.

There have been times where they impose “meetings/calls” on me to listen to them ramble with no direction. So sometimes I will say, I'd love to meet at a later time as I am trying to knock out tasks they've given me and I'm met with “I want to meet/call anyway!”. When I pointed out that this also is a disservice to me supporting them/using my time wisely, I get met with apathy that I have to drop everything whenever they want even if it means dropping the ball on prior tasks because they are authority. I totally respect their authority and again am appreciative for all that they have done for me, but it feels like my feedback is falling on deaf ears and I'm being disregarded. I've asked others to check me professionally in case I was understanding things wrong, but countless others have shared it seems a little off. I guess I'm just wondering if I should stick it out or if it is time to move on.

I'm probably not explaining the circumstances the best but basically my feelings are not something I've felt alone. Although I've been praised and paid handsomely, I've been talked down to and disregarded lately. I get my tasks done quickly and thoroughly to which they often say “you can't go anywhere! we need you” but then I'm treated poorly as a slave.

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