
Sudden demotion? As i was clocking out today my boss told me that starting tomorrow i will be working a different job.

Sorry this is gonna be long. As I was clocking out today my boss told me that starting tomorrow i will be working a different job. For reference I used to work as a cashier at my current work but hated it and applied to be and have been a line cook there ever since which i mostly enjoy. My boss has been replaced, fired, and rereplaced by my original boss from before. Im the only person left who worked for her before because everyone else quit one by one. The cashier gave her 2 weeks and todays her last day. When i went to check out with my manager and clock out my boss told me that she is eliminating my position and that i will be replacing the cashier. She has apparently been planning this for those 2 weeks because she got the go ahead from her boss…

Sorry this is gonna be long.
As I was clocking out today my boss told me that starting tomorrow i will be working a different job. For reference I used to work as a cashier at my current work but hated it and applied to be and have been a line cook there ever since which i mostly enjoy. My boss has been replaced, fired, and rereplaced by my original boss from before. Im the only person left who worked for her before because everyone else quit one by one.
The cashier gave her 2 weeks and todays her last day. When i went to check out with my manager and clock out my boss told me that she is eliminating my position and that i will be replacing the cashier. She has apparently been planning this for those 2 weeks because she got the go ahead from her boss to do this. My former boss that my current boss replaced(after he had replaced her) was terrible with computers and so when i was rehired he was eventually able to increase my pay and backpay me but i guess never changed my job title. My current boss said since I have technically been a cashier this whole time she doesn't want to hire someone else (she is notoriously very cheap, whole different story there)and will be eliminating my position(line cook) and I will be replacing the cashier.
I called hr and the entire phone call seemed pointless. We are supposed to have access to hr, my bosses boss, my bosses bosses boss etc but the poster and list of phone numbers are all several years old and dissconected or wrong now and i just feel hopeless. My hours are only being cut a little and( I hope) Im not getting a pay cut but that job is horribly demanding physically and mentally and I don't know what I can do, if there even is anything.

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