
Recourse for lost time

So just out of curiosity… my company fired me after I tested positive for THC after I broke my finger at work. They had no idea how to handle it at first and hit me with a “ uhhh you’re probably suspended while we wait for the test results” That all sounds standard and makes sense to me. The issue is they took three weeks to get back to me before officially firing me. They then reported to the insurance company handling my workman’s comp claim that there was “no lost time” Indiana law states (per my claim manager’s words) that I am potentially entitled to lost wages for anything after 7 days. Provided they offer light duty or reasonable accommodations in the interim. They did not do this and just straight up informed her “there was no lost time” without any reasoning and without contacting me at all (not…

So just out of curiosity…

my company fired me after I tested positive for THC after I broke my finger at work. They had no idea how to handle it at first and hit me with a “ uhhh you’re probably suspended while we wait for the test results” That all sounds standard and makes sense to me. The issue is they took three weeks to get back to me before officially firing me. They then reported to the insurance company handling my workman’s comp claim that there was “no lost time”

Indiana law states (per my claim manager’s words) that I am potentially entitled to lost wages for anything after 7 days. Provided they offer light duty or reasonable accommodations in the interim. They did not do this and just straight up informed her “there was no lost time” without any reasoning and without contacting me at all (not saying they have to contact me)

Do I have any recourse? Can I at least force them to show me the policy that states any of this? Again, it would make sense that I wouldn’t have leverage bc of the positive drug test, but still. I was still an employee for weeks. And it was just a spoken, informal suspension before they ghosted me while I waited for authorization on even getting treatment.

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