
I Feel Like I’m Being Treated Unfairly

So I work in IT as part of the helpdesk team at this company and most of my co-workers in the IT team have been here for many many years (10, 15, some for even 25). I have only worked here for a year and a half now. We have two locations in two different states and I work in office at our HQ with the helpdesk team's manager as a team of two onsite. At our other site we have another team of two including my co-worker that's been here for 10 years and a new girl we hired a few months ago to help him out there. At our primary HQ site where I work we have on average 10-15 people on a typical workday Monday-Friday and this generally takes up about 10-25% of my daily bandwidth to support them when my manager is wfh and I'm the…

So I work in IT as part of the helpdesk team at this company and most of my co-workers in the IT team have been here for many many years (10, 15, some for even 25). I have only worked here for a year and a half now.

We have two locations in two different states and I work in office at our HQ with the helpdesk team's manager as a team of two onsite. At our other site we have another team of two including my co-worker that's been here for 10 years and a new girl we hired a few months ago to help him out there.

At our primary HQ site where I work we have on average 10-15 people on a typical workday Monday-Friday and this generally takes up about 10-25% of my daily bandwidth to support them when my manager is wfh and I'm the only one here supporting them.

At our other site where the other two work I asked the new girl and she said there is typically 5-10 people there on a typical workday Monday-Friday.

So with all that base info being said here are my two major issues:

issue #1 (no wfh days): Both my manager and our 10-year guy wfh 2 days/week, as all full time IT guys do, with the sole exclusion of myself as I was told for the first 6 months I would be offered wfh days after becoming full time and then come full time that was taken away by manager as after 1 wfh day he told me sorry but the higher ups told me you can't wfh.

issue #2 (10-year co-worker): My co-worker at the other location always complains about being too busy and how his office is always crazy busy, but when I ask the new girl she always tells me it's super quiet there, and she works there 5 days/week too as she is still a contractor. This guy also does not follow processes, does not document actions he does on tickets properly 90% of the time. Has tons of aged tickets dating back years even. And he constantly does things related to tickets assigned to me that just adds more work for me because he messes something up (like deleting a device from our mdm preventing me from being able to reset it properly). Also I checked his tickets closed this year and he has closed 746 tickets in comparison to my 1700… when he has worked here for 10 years and I have for only 1 1/2.

I feel like I am being highly mistreated because I do not get afforded the same luxury of wfh when I am consistently busting my ass every day with a great work ethic and yet my co-worker is afforded that luxury when I am pretty sure he spends his wfh days sitting on a couch doing nothing all day. I have not seen him resolve more than 1 ticket or answer more than 1 phone call on a typical wfh day and my manager will not say anything to him that is even remotely criticizing. My co-worker has even done tasks assigned directly from my manager, like documentation projects, and then he returns an awful document that is 15 pages long with awful formatting and design explaining something I could spend 30 minutes to write on 1 page using our company templates and my manager will go to my co-worker and be like yeah man that looks great when my manager knows it is not great at all because no one in their right mind will spend the time reading through it.

It is highly frustrating to me working in this environment and I mostly just wanted to vent about it and see what others think of this.

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