
A Little Help Please

If someone has experience in this, I'd love some advice. Less than 2 years ago I was working as a bartender at the Oregon Zoo. I was temp labor not part of their union. This wasn't crossing union lines, just extra labor during a special event. State law says I get to keep my tips. Union rules say tips go to the union members (verbally told this). I didn't get any of my cc tips (majority), and only a fraction of my cash tips (minority). I filed a wage claim with the OR Bureau of Labor and Industries. They told me that for tips only, I would have to talk to the US Labor Department, that they don't deal with “just tips” complaints. So I called the US Labor Department and they referred me back to the state of Oregon. So I've left a message for OR to call me…

If someone has experience in this, I'd love some advice.
Less than 2 years ago I was working as a bartender at the Oregon Zoo. I was temp labor not part of their union. This wasn't crossing union lines, just extra labor during a special event.
State law says I get to keep my tips. Union rules say tips go to the union members (verbally told this).
I didn't get any of my cc tips (majority), and only a fraction of my cash tips (minority).
I filed a wage claim with the OR Bureau of Labor and Industries. They told me that for tips only, I would have to talk to the US Labor Department, that they don't deal with “just tips” complaints.
So I called the US Labor Department and they referred me back to the state of Oregon. So I've left a message for OR to call me back (48 hours for a call back). WTF, are they just playing pass the buck?

And in case anyone is wondering why I waited 2 years, I didn't want to get blacklisted, but don't care now. And it is still within the statue of limitations.

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