
For Any U-Haul Employees

If you feel underpaid, under-appreciated, or unsure if you’ll have a job the next day… Demand a Union. It is your right to assemble and make your locations a unionized business. Do not give the ASM, GM, AFM, or anyone the leverage to “negotiate” Unionize your store and DEMAND the respect you deserve. Otherwise, your hitch pros, your CSR, all the people who grind for the incomes of the salaried employees and executives who get bonuses, and all of the people pumping propane, hooking up trailers, or getting yelled at because some OW hasn’t arrived yet… … you’re all just replaceable parts. ———- I worked as a Hitch Pro in the Bay Area, a CSR in Portland, OR, and my last store was in Sacramento County. I did my job, but got fired after a new manager was moved from another location because of underperformance.

If you feel underpaid, under-appreciated, or unsure if you’ll have a job the next day…

Demand a Union. It is your right to assemble and make your locations a unionized business.

Do not give the ASM, GM, AFM, or anyone the leverage to “negotiate”

Unionize your store and DEMAND the respect you deserve. Otherwise, your hitch pros, your CSR, all the people who grind for the incomes of the salaried employees and executives who get bonuses, and all of the people pumping propane, hooking up trailers, or getting yelled at because some OW hasn’t arrived yet…

… you’re all just replaceable parts.
I worked as a Hitch Pro in the Bay Area, a CSR in Portland, OR, and my last store was in Sacramento County.

I did my job, but got fired after a new manager was moved from another location because of underperformance.

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