
I’m 20, permanent back injury and work man’s comp question please help .

I hurt my back using a concrete grinder after being on my hands and knees for 10 hours a day, with no days off for weeks my own mistake of course. Eventually this caught up with me and my back was exceptionally sore one day. I bent over, collapsed and had no strength to stand up and laid there sprawled out. My question is even though this was a year ago I still have pain there every day. My boss paid for my MRI and Urgent care vist. But he failed to informed me that I could file workman's comp. He has never displayed the mandatory workers rights poster. It's still in the package the state mailed out. I was diagnosed with Degenerative disc disease from overworking my lower back Can I do anything about this? or would I need to get hurtbadly again,I do light duty part time now…

I hurt my back using a concrete grinder after being on my hands and knees for 10 hours a day, with no days off for weeks my own mistake of course. Eventually this caught up with me and my back was exceptionally sore one day. I bent over, collapsed and had no strength to stand up and laid there sprawled out. My question is even though this was a year ago I still have pain there every day. My boss paid for my MRI and Urgent care vist. But he failed to informed me that I could file workman's comp. He has never displayed the mandatory workers rights poster. It's still in the package the state mailed out. I was diagnosed with Degenerative disc disease from overworking my lower back

Can I do anything about this? or would I need to get hurtbadly again,I do light duty part time now so I'm still in the company.

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