
Need help drafting a piss off and pay me letter for my friend!

So my friend was an independent contractor for a medical courier company for a few months. Within the first week someone already altered her time and route logs because she was jealous, they were/are behind on paying her for some unknown reason, and generally acted unprofessional including demanding she work unassigned routes that she wasnt scheduled for and calling her pathetic over it, and when she quit over it, they decided to berate her for this and other things over texts 4 hours later at 9pm. Im helping her send a message to them that in the nicest and most kind way says fuck off and pay me the money you owe me. Any advice? Im still waiting on her to send me the exact text her boss sent her and ill also be fixing grammar and what not, but heres my rough draft. “Hello! I wouldve responded sooner, but…

So my friend was an independent contractor for a medical courier company for a few months. Within the first week someone already altered her time and route logs because she was jealous, they were/are behind on paying her for some unknown reason, and generally acted unprofessional including demanding she work unassigned routes that she wasnt scheduled for and calling her pathetic over it, and when she quit over it, they decided to berate her for this and other things over texts 4 hours later at 9pm. Im helping her send a message to them that in the nicest and most kind way says fuck off and pay me the money you owe me. Any advice? Im still waiting on her to send me the exact text her boss sent her and ill also be fixing grammar and what not, but heres my rough draft.

“Hello! I wouldve responded sooner, but as your message was sent so late, i didnt get the chance to.

Im sorry you feel such strongly that way. Normally when leaving a job I generally feel its professional and courteous to put in a two week resignation notice, but that didnt seem to match the environment youve created so, i didnt feel it was needed.

As for the money im still owed between missing payment from when i started and my last paycheck, those can be sent to the address on file for me promptly whenever you have the chance. I hope to not have to get the Dept. of Labor involved and have to file a wage complaint, but i will keep all of my resources on stand-by. I have all of my receipts and deliveries documented and know exactly how much i am owed and believe you should have those records as well.

Thank you for the opportunities and fostering such a new environment to learn for the time i worked at company name! It was very eye-opening to learn what is viewed as professional in your company and how you treat employees that need time off for funerals or needing to terminate their employment for you. Normally businesses are accommodating and respectful for those things, but its great to know that some people do things differently.

I will return my items that are needed Monday morning as that is when i am available to do so. I would appreciate my owed pay being given to me in return, or atleast an accurate estimate of when i can expect it. If not, i will be calling every day until i get an estimate, and if nothing has changed within two weeks i will be forced to use what resources i can.

Thank you for the experience! I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

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