
The part-time admin person in my office is working several hours extra every day “because there’s so much to do.”

She finishes at 1 but has been in the office past 3 every day this week. The bosses insisted we only needed a part-time person despite the whole senior staff saying we need someone full-time. Now they’re getting full-time for a part-time salary so… they were right, I guess? I talked to the new person, she says she doesn’t mind and there’s lots needs doing. No helping some people.

She finishes at 1 but has been in the office past 3 every day this week. The bosses insisted we only needed a part-time person despite the whole senior staff saying we need someone full-time. Now they’re getting full-time for a part-time salary so… they were right, I guess? I talked to the new person, she says she doesn’t mind and there’s lots needs doing. No helping some people.

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