
I got denied unemployment because I quit a job. My employer harassed, threatened,stole from me, and cut my hours down to 9. What now?

Honestly I’m really pissed. I came on here a couple of weeks ago and took the advice of fellow redditors. My employer treated me like shit and cut my hours all the way down to 9 when I was originally scheduled for 40 hours a week. Once I confronted management they said the most they can give me was 25 hours. Which is still BS and not livable and that’s when I decided to tell them I quit. I filed for unemployment and let them know my hours were cut down to 9 with no valid reason. 9 a week which isn’t livable on top of letting them know management stole from me, lied, threatened, and harassed me so the conditions were genuinely shit there. And I got a letter saying I’m denied unemployment… wtf is that?!?!? Because I “quit of due to working conditions”…. How is it MY FAULT…

Honestly I’m really pissed. I came on here a couple of weeks ago and took the advice of fellow redditors. My employer treated me like shit and cut my hours all the way down to 9 when I was originally scheduled for 40 hours a week. Once I confronted management they said the most they can give me was 25 hours. Which is still BS and not livable and that’s when I decided to tell them I quit. I filed for unemployment and let them know my hours were cut down to 9 with no valid reason. 9 a week which isn’t livable on top of letting them know management stole from me, lied, threatened, and harassed me so the conditions were genuinely shit there. And I got a letter saying I’m denied unemployment… wtf is that?!?!? Because I “quit of due to working conditions”…. How is it MY FAULT am I supposed to be okay being treated like that and have hours where I can’t afford to eat and pay rent?!????

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