
Capitalism feels like slavery disguised as a “job”.

I am tired of waking up every damn day to go to a job and to still not be able to afford a roof over my head and food in my mouth. I am so fucking sick of being homeless on and off to the point where I’m severely depressed and full of anxiety due to a basic need not being met. I am so sick of living to paycheck to paycheck. I am so sick of working for businesses that treat me like shit, cut my hours, and yet I’m supposed to endure all of that and not quit because if I do I won’t get any public assistance. I feel like the difference between working and slavery is we are paid and we are granted two days out of the week to relax if you work full time. Slaves were told what to do, when to wake up,…

I am tired of waking up every damn day to go to a job and to still not be able to afford a roof over my head and food in my mouth.

I am so fucking sick of being homeless on and off to the point where I’m severely depressed and full of anxiety due to a basic need not being met.

I am so sick of living to paycheck to paycheck.

I am so sick of working for businesses that treat me like shit, cut my hours, and yet I’m supposed to endure all of that and not quit because if I do I won’t get any public assistance.

I feel like the difference between working and slavery is we are paid and we are granted two days out of the week to relax if you work full time.

Slaves were told what to do, when to wake up, taught to obey and to ensure they were serving their masters.

How am I any different? Oh, it’s just paid.

It is really getting to me and it’s so hard to accept.

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