
Asks for feedback – Gives feedback but not in the right way…

First Time poster so apologies if I've got anything wrong etc. So I was asked to give feedback on one of the new Directors as part of their probation meeting. I gave my honest opinion that I feel he's over stepped in my area of the business and has taken responsibilities from me that I wanted as part of the role without discussing with me. Also some ways he operates don't work with me, such as emailing tasks at someone as part of an email to a client. I did ask him to stop/raise that last point multiple times. But I also gave positives, he's a good bloke to talk to, great ideas and experience so it's just a case of how he works with me. Which is what the feedback request said. Anyway, I got told I should have raised these grievances informally before. Well fine but I've been…

First Time poster so apologies if I've got anything wrong etc.

So I was asked to give feedback on one of the new Directors as part of their probation meeting. I gave my honest opinion that I feel he's over stepped in my area of the business and has taken responsibilities from me that I wanted as part of the role without discussing with me. Also some ways he operates don't work with me, such as emailing tasks at someone as part of an email to a client.
I did ask him to stop/raise that last point multiple times. But I also gave positives, he's a good bloke to talk to, great ideas and experience so it's just a case of how he works with me. Which is what the feedback request said.

Anyway, I got told I should have raised these grievances informally before. Well fine but I've been asked to focus on deliverables and everyone is behind on process or operational things because we have way too much work for each team (most teams are one person). I'm also terrible at confrontation, last time I asked him to stop the email issue I was shaking the whole time as I was asking a director of the company to stop doing something as it causes problems for other people, not just me.

Anyway… basically I don't get why I should be effectively told off for giving feedback when I was asked and its not like any one has stopped and actually asked me anything other than where my jobs are at etc so they know when money is likely to come in. Didn't even have an appraisal at my work anniversary.

If it makes any difference I'm in the team that makes the most revenue in the company but isn't actually the main focus of the business, and this directors main job is to expand revenue. My team is well beyond capacity I often have jobs that are a month behind schedule because stuff just keeps coming in.

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