
Quit My Job After 2 Years of Abuse

I officially turned in my resignation today after working two years in a non-profit hell. I have fulfilled an accountant role in this company, and our CFO is a verbally abusive tyrant. His middle-manager is a yes man who assigns work last minute and can't communicate to save his life (and yet tries to micromanage despite this). My direct supervisor does her best but they have her fulfilling the duties of two roles without increasing her pay or compensating her in any way, so she's barely swimming too. The CFO is the main issue. We have an open floor plan and he literally rules it, walking by periodically to check if we have proper shoes on, looking over our shoulders at our work to ensure we aren't “slacking off”, and has even verbally berated people for speaking too much (even if it's about work). Our training and instructions are a…

I officially turned in my resignation today after working two years in a non-profit hell.

I have fulfilled an accountant role in this company, and our CFO is a verbally abusive tyrant. His middle-manager is a yes man who assigns work last minute and can't communicate to save his life (and yet tries to micromanage despite this). My direct supervisor does her best but they have her fulfilling the duties of two roles without increasing her pay or compensating her in any way, so she's barely swimming too.

The CFO is the main issue. We have an open floor plan and he literally rules it, walking by periodically to check if we have proper shoes on, looking over our shoulders at our work to ensure we aren't “slacking off”, and has even verbally berated people for speaking too much (even if it's about work). Our training and instructions are a joke, but when mistakes are made, he screams and cuts us down in front of the entire office. Even when you do catch him in a calm mood, his condescending speech makes you feel 2 inches tall.

My role puts in a lot of unpaid overtime and effort, and I periodically have to stay extremely late and/or work Saturdays just to keep up the the ever increasing workload given to me.

Two years of this and I've finally broken. Please note, the departments who operate on this floor have had a revolving door for years due to how the CFO manages us. I'm one of the longest lasting ones here, but within the last few months, it's escalated.

My physical health has rapidly deteriorated (constant heart palpitations, digestive issues, body pains, flu-like symptoms every weekend as I recover from the hellfest of the week).

My mind has also taking a massive hit, feeling so foggy that I can't hold concentration to even play video games anymore, and before arriving at my anxiety spikes so badly that my body shivers uncontrollably.

The end-point was reached Tuesday this week, when after staying extremely late and coming in extremely early to finish a report the CFO needed, I was told my work must be incorrect because “the numbers don't look right”. I respond, I've done it the way I was told to do it since I first got here. We haggled on my work for hours before he finally agreed I did the process right, but that the process itself is flawed.

We had 15 minutes until this report was needed for his meeting. He told me, figure it out. Redo this entire process (that I didn't understand and wasn't trained on) and make it better, in 15 minutes for my meeting.

When that didn't happen, he threatened my job and screamed at me.

I wanted to hold out a bit longer until I could properly job-hunt, but after being screamed at and being in an extremely exhausted state from trying to get the job finished, I was done. Resignation was emailed in, with a four week notice (company policy is that length).

Despite all of this, I still feel a strange pang of regret. I do love what I do, and wanted to plan better. But I can't handle the abuse anymore or drowning in my workload. Any words of wisdom out there?

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