
$3000 less than promised

My wife is a Nursing Clinical Instructor for a nearby college. When she “applied” she was quickly hired after simply presenting her credentials and received an email saying how much she would receive for the semester. She is now two weeks into the semester with a group of nursing students and has yet to be paid. After reaching out about payment she has now been told she will be receiving $3,000 less than what she was originally told. What should she do?

My wife is a Nursing Clinical Instructor for a nearby college. When she “applied” she was quickly hired after simply presenting her credentials and received an email saying how much she would receive for the semester. She is now two weeks into the semester with a group of nursing students and has yet to be paid. After reaching out about payment she has now been told she will be receiving $3,000 less than what she was originally told. What should she do?

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