
Boss changing schedule on me

Yesterday (Thursday) I was asked to come in and cover a shift to which I replied I already had plans but I could reschedule to today (Friday) if someone covers me then, coworker says it’s covered and so I assume it’s taken care of. As I walked in yesterday for the shift I was told that tomorrow was not in fact covered and I wasn’t needed that day but still needed tomorrow, problem is I already rescheduled my plans for Thursday and had moved them up a day to Friday. This pissed me off but I was so confused on the scheduling and honestly just flustered with all that was happening. Flash forward I text my boss saying I re arranged my schedule under the pretense I wasn’t working Friday but Thursday and he just tells me I’m coming in Friday at the normal time I should’ve told him in…

Yesterday (Thursday) I was asked to come in and cover a shift to which I replied I already had plans but I could reschedule to today (Friday) if someone covers me then, coworker says it’s covered and so I assume it’s taken care of. As I walked in yesterday for the shift I was told that tomorrow was not in fact covered and I wasn’t needed that day but still needed tomorrow, problem is I already rescheduled my plans for Thursday and had moved them up a day to Friday. This pissed me off but I was so confused on the scheduling and honestly just flustered with all that was happening. Flash forward I text my boss saying I re arranged my schedule under the pretense I wasn’t working Friday but Thursday and he just tells me I’m coming in Friday at the normal time I should’ve told him in person when I went in but there was so much happening, and I still gave ample time time to find a cover. This honestly pisses me off not only will I miss my plans with friends from out of town but I also wasted in total two hours driving to/from work and getting ready.

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