
Work hasn’t paid in 2 months

Posting on behalf of a friend. Job in New York gave a signing bonus then has not paid salary for about 2 months of work. They attribute it to setting up accounts and that it will happen “tomorrow” or “by the end of the week.” Friend stopped showing up until they pay him. Plan is to contact DOL on next week if he isn’t paid by then. My question is if it is worth saying to the company that if they’re not paid by x day then they’ll file a claim with DOL. Ideally friend is paid and then continues working (and being paid) while looking for a new job rather than quitting on the spot. Any advice on situation would be appreciated.

Posting on behalf of a friend. Job in New York gave a signing bonus then has not paid salary for about 2 months of work. They attribute it to setting up accounts and that it will happen “tomorrow” or “by the end of the week.” Friend stopped showing up until they pay him. Plan is to contact DOL on next week if he isn’t paid by then. My question is if it is worth saying to the company that if they’re not paid by x day then they’ll file a claim with DOL. Ideally friend is paid and then continues working (and being paid) while looking for a new job rather than quitting on the spot. Any advice on situation would be appreciated.

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