
Psychotic religious fanatic bosses wife tries to scam me out of my last paycheck

First I would like to start. I’m not the demographic that I expect to be on this sub. I’m 31 and work 2 jobs, im proud blue collar and generally conservative. I’ve heard people say I’m the hardest workin man they know…That being said, I believe in labor rights and fought for years to get a union apprenticeship, after unions were crushed by the last governor in my state. I work my ass off, on the side I deliver pizzas on weekends. I dream of an early retirement and opening up my own pizzeria. My last job was for a home remodeling company that served wealthy people in the area, $2 million plus houses generally, along with shithole rentals the owner and his family owned. Some of our clients included blackrock big shots and former nfl has beens. The company was terribly mismanaged, they had 8 field guys and only…

First I would like to start. I’m not the demographic that I expect to be on this sub. I’m 31 and work 2 jobs, im proud blue collar and generally conservative. I’ve heard people say I’m the hardest workin man they know…That being said, I believe in labor rights and fought for years to get a union apprenticeship, after unions were crushed by the last governor in my state. I work my ass off, on the side I deliver pizzas on weekends. I dream of an early retirement and opening up my own pizzeria.

My last job was for a home remodeling company that served wealthy people in the area, $2 million plus houses generally, along with shithole rentals the owner and his family owned. Some of our clients included blackrock big shots and former nfl has beens. The company was terribly mismanaged, they had 8 field guys and only put 2 or 3 to work, the rest of us were sent to run errands for the owner every day, whether it be Home Depot runs or something as degrading as picking up trash. I remember somebody had to feed his chickens and dogs when he left town for a week. The owner came from family of rich landlords in the area that owned a flooring company known for being huge but doing shoddy work. They are pentacostal and generally seemed sus. I should admit I have a bias against Pentecostalism because a family member got roped into one of their cults and moved out of state.

After years of trying to get a union apprenticeship I was finally offered one, hours before getting on a plane to leave town for a wedding. The plan was to come back, quit, take a recovery day, and start my apprenticeship. And that’s exactly what I did. Quitting was brief, they shook my hand, thanked me, and walked me out.

Yesterday I’m at the gym and check my last paystub on intuit from the job…overpaid by $350+. Great, not gonna say anything and move on.

Around 8 pm I get A call from my ex-bosses wife. She leaves a voicemail saying there’s been a mix up with my check and she’d like for me to call her. I contemplated for 10 minutes, remembered they had 3 kids, and gave her a call back.

She tells me they overpaid me, and asks if we can work something out where I pay them back. I agreed. She then tells me she needs me to call my bank and tell them to reverse my paycheck and send it back to them (???) on Friday morning and they will correct it and get a corrected check out to me by “Monday at the latest”

I tell her no, I’m not doing it this way. I will pay her back the correct amount, which I already figured before she even called. I even would have given them the money they paid in taxes/insurance/medicaid back out of my own pocket just to make their books even. I told her I could PayPal, Venmo, or drop a money order off at the office or their house. She immediately cut in “I’m at a church meeting, call our receptionist tomorrow on your break and get it figured out, she is aware of this” (highly doubt this, her kids were screaming in the background)

Friday, 10 am, I call the receptionist, no answer. I text her explaining what is going on. She doesn’t reply for 2 hours. Replies back telling me this is the first she’s heard of it and she’s waiting for the owner and his wife to give a response back, then nothing from any of them.

So basically they want me to send my entire paycheck back after it’s on the books that they paid me. When I offered an alternative to make sure I actually get paid, I get ghosted, no response. They are no longer interested.

Shady pentacostal landlord business owner fuckers: please fuck off. I’m gonna keep in contact with everyone at your company and encourage them all to get better jobs when your business continues to sink into the ground. And you further prove my opinion that your denomination in particular is full of sleaze bag, scam artist trash. Petty ass motherfuckers, who own 5 houses and is worried about scamming an employee over $1200?

Edit: should note the bank told me this morning that if they did not offer a document listing how much they overpaid, and how much they would be sending back, there is a good chance I am being scammed. Also, the bank cannot “reverse a check.”

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