
Capping hours after they’re worked, and more!

My sister's boss is a real ass hat. He switches her between salary and hourly all the time depending on which option will allow him to pay her less. So she's hourly if she comes in short on hours one week, and salary if she works over hours the next. Well she finally got him to agree to stop switching her back and forth a couple weeks ago, and she was so excited to finally get a nice paycheck this week because she'd worked so many hours. This fucking douche canoe capped her hours after she had already worked those hours. Capped her so she couldn't get paid for the hours she worked, and couldn't make any more than what the salary pay was. Essentially doing the exact same thing he agreed to stop doing. When she confronted him about it today, this moldy cat food casserole of a “man”…

My sister's boss is a real ass hat. He switches her between salary and hourly all the time depending on which option will allow him to pay her less. So she's hourly if she comes in short on hours one week, and salary if she works over hours the next. Well she finally got him to agree to stop switching her back and forth a couple weeks ago, and she was so excited to finally get a nice paycheck this week because she'd worked so many hours.

This fucking douche canoe capped her hours after she had already worked those hours. Capped her so she couldn't get paid for the hours she worked, and couldn't make any more than what the salary pay was. Essentially doing the exact same thing he agreed to stop doing.

When she confronted him about it today, this moldy cat food casserole of a “man” screamed at her, called her names, and insulted her work ethic. She works full time, wears a million hats in her role, and fucking gets every single job done every single time.

To top it all off, he's been paying her under the table for years so that he doesn't have to report having employees.

I'd love any advice you all might have on how my sister can handle this, and how I might be able to support her.

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