
Work Trouble

For context: I live in the UK and am on a 0 hour contract. I have worked doing deliveries for a huge fast food chain the past few months, never called in sick, done extra shifts and have had no warnings. I called in sick this week for the first time and was told I still had to go in and it was non-negotiable, I was kinda dumbfounded and didn’t say anything and the manager said “I’ll see you soon” and put the phone down. An hour later I called again as there was no way I could go to work, I was sweating, coughing, etc, just genuinely felt awful after already going in and doing my full time 9-5 job, I couldn’t continue working till late at night. The manager was not happy and put the phone down on me again. Yesterday, I’m still feeling sick, had to take…

For context: I live in the UK and am on a 0 hour contract.

I have worked doing deliveries for a huge fast food chain the past few months, never called in sick, done extra shifts and have had no warnings.
I called in sick this week for the first time and was told I still had to go in and it was non-negotiable, I was kinda dumbfounded and didn’t say anything and the manager said “I’ll see you soon” and put the phone down. An hour later I called again as there was no way I could go to work, I was sweating, coughing, etc, just genuinely felt awful after already going in and doing my full time 9-5 job, I couldn’t continue working till late at night. The manager was not happy and put the phone down on me again.
Yesterday, I’m still feeling sick, had to take time off my actual job as well, told the manager at this fast food place I was still unable to work and apologised. He told me he can’t hear the same excuse again and I need to come in, I told them I’m genuinely ill, putting me around food is a hazard. He put the next week rota out with a message underneath telling everyone there’s been too many sickness and more sicknesses will lead to punishments. I found cover for my shift today just incase as I hate letting people down. He included this in a message on the rota saying “no one is allowed to cover other people’s shifts, you are expected to do your own shifts, you know who you are”
It all seems dodgy to me and unfair, do I have any legal rights?

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