
Billionaire Property Developer Tim Gurner: “We need to see pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around.”

Over the past few years since covid the US govt and many others around the world showered the economy with trillions in stimulus, the vast majority of it going to the already mega wealthy. Now they are raising rates to try and stop the run away inflation that they caused. To do that, they want people to lose their jobs. They want people to suffer. So billionaires like Gurner who profited handsomely during covid can tell you “be glad that you have a job.” I don’t think it’s surprising to see that they really think this way, but he is now saying the quiet part out loud:

Over the past few years since covid the US govt and many others around the world showered the economy with trillions in stimulus, the vast majority of it going to the already mega wealthy. Now they are raising rates to try and stop the run away inflation that they caused. To do that, they want people to lose their jobs. They want people to suffer. So billionaires like Gurner who profited handsomely during covid can tell you “be glad that you have a job.”

I don’t think it’s surprising to see that they really think this way, but he is now saying the quiet part out loud:

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