
‘We build those cars’: US workers on Ford picket line demand a fair share

On the Guardian is an article today. I was a bit surprised. It mentions wages of $16 or so to $24. I assume there is perhaps higher, but would not be shocked if there was lower. It is really despicable if corporations in something like the automotive industry, can't pay a living wage. Or should I say, won't. The GM boss mentioned in the article, cleared 29 million in 2022. I hope the American People start to carefully consider their buying choices and reject companies that don't fall in line with expectations. It's the only way these companies will feel pain, and be FORCED to change. Even if it means your fav car brand gets taken off your shopping list. Make a stand!

On the Guardian is an article today.

I was a bit surprised. It mentions wages of $16 or so to $24. I assume there is perhaps higher, but would not be shocked if there was lower.
It is really despicable if corporations in something like the automotive industry, can't pay a living wage. Or should I say, won't. The GM boss mentioned in the article, cleared 29 million in 2022. I hope the American People start to carefully consider their buying choices and reject companies that don't fall in line with expectations. It's the only way these companies will feel pain, and be FORCED to change. Even if it means your fav car brand gets taken off your shopping list. Make a stand!

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