
I’m a licensed allied health professional but my boss introduced me as her hired choreographer.

First time posting ever, please be kind. So, my career is a joke. backstory about my job: I've been with my “company” for almost 7 years. I put quotation marks on the word company because technically all of us are under contract t and we don't have employer-employee relationship, to put it simply it's a dictatorship kind of management. My boss decides everything and the senior officers enact them. My boss suddenly decided to make me part-time effective September, our acting HR told me on August 31. So by the next day, I was half jobless. I was only required to go to work 3x a week. I took it with stride because I knew the senior officers did try to fight for me, but the boss' decision was final. I was hurt and disappointed, in a very intimate working space without much rules as ours, one thing I was…

First time posting ever, please be kind.

So, my career is a joke. backstory about my job:

I've been with my “company” for almost 7 years. I put quotation marks on the word company because technically all of us are under contract t and we don't have employer-employee relationship, to put it simply it's a dictatorship kind of management. My boss decides everything and the senior officers enact them. My boss suddenly decided to make me part-time effective September, our acting HR told me on August 31. So by the next day, I was half jobless. I was only required to go to work 3x a week.

I took it with stride because I knew the senior officers did try to fight for me, but the boss' decision was final.

I was hurt and disappointed, in a very intimate working space without much rules as ours, one thing I was holding on to was loyalty, cause we had to let people go a lot in the past year and I remained safe. And to be fair, I wasn't the only one, another employee (she's been with us for 2 years I think) was also made part-time, I think in my boss' rationale she won't fire us, but made the two of us share one salary for this one position. I couldn't believe my boss didn't think of our welfare, she cut our source of income in half. My bills and living expense remains the same! To be honest, I think it would have been better if she fired me.

The first week of my semi-unemployment to stop myself from panicking, I busied myself. I updated my CV, I applied to a few part-time jobs (none I heard from until now) and I'm trying to declutter so I could sell a few stuff.

I've already accepted my faith almost 2 weeks in, but just this Wednesday, my boss asked the senior management if anyone in our office could dance. My name came up. Quite obviously, I am not a professional dancer, I did dance and dance competitions when I was in high school, but that was years ago and I'm eons away from being a paid one. And get this, she wants someone to choreograph for 8 people, remix a song, and make a video too. It will be used in some conference or whatever. She wanted steps to a song by Friday, and with the help of a few of my co-workers (God bless them, everyone thinks my unemployment status is unfair), we submitted a compilation of steps on time. Just a rough cut.

While she was giving me instructions, she mentioned that she told people in that organization that she hired a choreographer and that was me. She finds it so amusing. The way she said it was like laughing-talking and my people-pleasing ass can't even complain and just forced laughed with her.

All this while I'm her “part-time” employee. It's so frustrating 'cause these other skills and talents that I have are taken advantage of. For context, I did a handful of video edits for the company, but it was just used within our office, and once again I'm far from being a professional. And I did lead the dance a few times whenever there were company activities.

It's my fault for not saying no. I know I'm a pushover. But it isn't like I was given a choice, I was expected to give an output. And I know there's an underlying psychological problem with my need to seek approval, but whenever I'm given a task I will do it to the best that I can. And like I said it's a dictatorship, I've been here so long I'm afraid to cut ties on bad terms and my boss might decide not to sign my Certificate of Employment.

Right now, I'm editing a song remix which I revised maybe 5 times already, whenever I send it to her she wants to tweak something; the 8-person choreography has become a 15-person choreography; and she told me people who can't come to the conference will send a video and she wants a compilation that will be projected on the background while they dance.

And the event will be next Friday. Good luck to me I guess.

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