
Will be putting in my notice end of the week. They are going to beg me to stay. What demands would be good to make on them to keep me?

Would love to hear some good suggestions of what I can ask for in order to not quit. Outrageous demands welcome and encouraged. It's a gov't contractor on a new contract. The last contract took 10 years to complete in what should have been less than three. New contract is more of the same plus a bunch of new shit too. Already getting a raise that puts me at 6 figures. Still not worth the aggravation. What would you ask for in order to stay. I should add I'm on different meds for anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc. that are going to be impossible to work without, therefore extending my dependence on them and ultimately making detoxing from them even more painful.

Would love to hear some good suggestions of what I can ask for in order to not quit. Outrageous demands welcome and encouraged. It's a gov't contractor on a new contract. The last contract took 10 years to complete in what should have been less than three. New contract is more of the same plus a bunch of new shit too. Already getting a raise that puts me at 6 figures. Still not worth the aggravation.

What would you ask for in order to stay. I should add I'm on different meds for anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc. that are going to be impossible to work without, therefore extending my dependence on them and ultimately making detoxing from them even more painful.

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