
Anybody else have a coworker who plays favoritism and gets cocky if you ask a question?

I (28M) am the new guy at work. My trainer (50?F) used to talk to me when I came to work. I'd ask how she was doing and she'd reply. She taught me how to do some things but I didn't pick it up fast and then if I asked a question she'd pop off “This old lady knows what she's talking about but you don't want to listen.” As of recently she's completely changed. She doesn't talk to me hardly. She doesn't even say good morning to me but she does everyone else at shift change. I almost feel invisible now. Today I was going to restock some things and she pops off at me “You were gonna do that? Yeah right. I already ordered it unlike you boys.” Talking about my other coworkers like it's a dick measuring contest. I know she takes psych meds and recently came…

I (28M) am the new guy at work. My trainer (50?F) used to talk to me when I came to work. I'd ask how she was doing and she'd reply. She taught me how to do some things but I didn't pick it up fast and then if I asked a question she'd pop off “This old lady knows what she's talking about but you don't want to listen.”

As of recently she's completely changed. She doesn't talk to me hardly. She doesn't even say good morning to me but she does everyone else at shift change. I almost feel invisible now.

Today I was going to restock some things and she pops off at me “You were gonna do that? Yeah right. I already ordered it unlike you boys.” Talking about my other coworkers like it's a dick measuring contest.

I know she takes psych meds and recently came back to work from Covid but she hasn't once even told me thank you for pulling her weight.

I hate it when people are like this. I ask if she needs any help and she pops off at me. Why do I even bother asking? I hate conflict but ugggggh.

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