
When is it time to quit?

I’ve been working in this kitchen for over 6 months now. Been asking for a raise and just getting brushed off now I’m told I’ll get a $1 bump but not clear when. My paychecks have been so bad for how hard I work and everyone quitting made my work load triple. I am very experience and take pride in my work. My skills are almost better than the lead chef/my boss and they constantly belittle me telling me I didn’t earn a title and that they did. I’ve been ready to quit for months but for some reason just can’t and I’m a little worried how I’m going to pay my bills. The ceo of the company comes in and yells at us constantly and it just been awful working there.

I’ve been working in this kitchen for over 6 months now. Been asking for a raise and just getting brushed off now I’m told I’ll get a $1 bump but not clear when. My paychecks have been so bad for how hard I work and everyone quitting made my work load triple. I am very experience and take pride in my work. My skills are almost better than the lead chef/my boss and they constantly belittle me telling me I didn’t earn a title and that they did.
I’ve been ready to quit for months but for some reason just can’t and I’m a little worried how I’m going to pay my bills. The ceo of the company comes in and yells at us constantly and it just been awful working there.

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