
I’m so tired of this job market

Nobody wants to hire! I have 7 years restaurant management experience, an associates degree in business administration, a bachelor's degree in complementary and alternative health with a focus on administration and management of alternative health practices such as chiropractic offices/spas etc. I'm almost done with my masters in human resource management. I'm Serv safe certified in alcohol service and safety. I have experience working from home as a case manager and quality control analyst. I've had my resume revamped several times. Please tell me why I can't even get interviews for jobs that aren't dogs*it? Cross country mortgage, I applied for HR working with payroll on onboarding and I get an interview, I go in for the interview and one of the people who is supposed to be interviewing me went to lunch and the other guy takes me to the back and sits me down next to a woman…

Nobody wants to hire! I have 7 years restaurant management experience, an associates degree in business administration, a bachelor's degree in complementary and alternative health with a focus on administration and management of alternative health practices such as chiropractic offices/spas etc. I'm almost done with my masters in human resource management. I'm Serv safe certified in alcohol service and safety. I have experience working from home as a case manager and quality control analyst. I've had my resume revamped several times.

Please tell me why I can't even get interviews for jobs that aren't dogs*it? Cross country mortgage, I applied for HR working with payroll on onboarding and I get an interview, I go in for the interview and one of the people who is supposed to be interviewing me went to lunch and the other guy takes me to the back and sits me down next to a woman in the phone areas and hands me a headset and tells me he'll be back in about 10 minutes. I watch her make phone calls for the next 10 minutes and listen and most of the phone calls nobody even answered the other phone calls where they did answer two people hung up on her and one person wanted to speak to a mortgage advisor. I wasn't showing any of the databases or anything so I was really confused as to why I was sitting there.

Interview guy comes back takes me into the interview room and hands me all my onboarding paperwork and tells me I can start Monday and that was my complete training on how to answer phones and sell their product. Oh and I would be paid $11 an hour and have to make 35 outreach calls per hour and at get at least 3 people an hour to a mortgage lender even if they didn't actually sign up for their services. Turns out they desperately need call center workers and they would put me there first and when I graduate college I can then apply for an HR position if one is available. Oh and I need full availability and flexibility. Despite the job I applied for having a set schedule.

That was my most recent interview. A bait and switch and absolutely horrible training that wasn't even marketed as training. Other than that I interviewed at McDonald's for assistant manager. They won't hire outsiders in for management. I need to start as crew at $10.79 an hour 12 hours a week and after 6 months I can apply to move up to crew trainer which is $11.29 an hour!

I've applied at numerous offices jobs, every WFH job I can even kind of meet the requirements for, nada. Hundreds of people are applying. I'm literally putting applications in for every kind of job now that is hiring and I could possibly do. I'm barely even getting rejection letters mostly I'm just hearing nothing back. When I do hear back it's jobs that are nothing like the ad actually said. Ad says “$19-$22 per hour” I get an interview “we start at $11 an hour but if you work hard and move up in the company you can easily top out at $19-$22 an hour!” Ad says 32 hours a week at $15 an hour the interviewer tells me “oh it's only 10 hours a week, and you have to be on call, but we said 32 so we'd get a bigger applicant pool.” And I get ghosted after the interviews usually anyway because they do NOT like being called out on lying in the ad, and they don't like applicants asking for more money. Sorry, $11 an hour? When you advertised $19-$22?? Yes I'm going to ask more about that large discrepancy.

Stupid fake jobs that you can tell are fake because of the crazy requirements, “entry level cashier job for a retail store, must have a bachelor's in a very niche specialty plus 5 years experience in a highly technical software program that is used for animation, and must be able to consistently lift 65 pounds throughout your shift, $10.10 an hour no benefits must be on call all the time, must have reliable transportation plus clean driving record and insurance, no driving needed for the position we just don't want anyone on the bus line” I can't drive for medical reasons (vision) and I can't tell you how many jobs in my area are now requiring a driver's license for a non driving job and you have to answer the question “do you have a valid driver's license?” On the application and automatically get immediately screened out if you say no.

I signed up for four of those apps that do the gig work jobs. I'm in Cleveland Ohio and my location is correct in these apps but literally ALL the gig work available is in Michigan, Columbus Ohio, Cincinnati Ohio, and Pennsylvania. I can't get to those places… There's NOTHING showing up for Cleveland and the help desk people for the apps keep telling me to just keep checking, gigs in my area are coming soon! I am in several job networking groups for my area, and people are SO desperate. I've seen people with DOCTORATES taking part time jobs at Chipotle for $13 an hour because they are so desperate. And what's sad is there's heavy competition for those jobs because the other fast food joints in Cleveland hire in at minimum wage ($10.10 in Ohio) or slightly above so $13 an hour is seen as a good starting wage. Every even somewhat liveable and decent job has hundreds of applicants as soon as it's posted. There's a lot that will be shared and within 5 minutes the applications are closed because so many people already applied in that time.

This is absolutely the worst job market I have ever seen by far. I am 42 and lived in Cleveland all my life. I remember when you could walk down a street and most businesses had help wanted signs in the windows and you could walk in and talk to a manager and quite often get hired on the spot and start the next day. And not just retail/fast food. Car lots, medical and legal offices that had entry level receptionist and admin jobs, hell you could walk into a hospital and walk out hired in as an orderly or housekeeper or dietary aide. My cousin walked into a mechanics garage in the 90s with no knowledge of cars and they hired him as a grunt/apprentice and now he has his own auto repair shop and is a licensed mechanic.

Now, all those jobs make you apply online, and have all kinds of requirements that are ridiculous, none are hiring reasonable hours, they all want you completely on call, open availability, they pay awful wages, there are no benefits, and IF they even make it to your application the hiring and onboarding process can take weeks and weeks, then they hold your first paycheck so it's even longer to get paid, meanwhile you get evicted while waiting!


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