
Would this be petty of me?

Big rant here. Been working for a company in a tech job for a year. It's an entry level position. I previously had a manager who was great. I felt motivated, felt like I was learning, got good constructive feedback. Fast forward a few months and said manager left. I now have a manager who I can only describe as a one man clown show. Would it be petty of me when I finally leave to blame him for not wanting to stay? The senior management will ask me why I want to leave, and I want to say it's down to this new manager. But I'm 50/50 on it, considering it could make me look bad myself. The manager will micromanage me by calling me multiple times a day, to the point where I often lose an hour + of productivity each day because I'm constantly justifying my actions…

Big rant here. Been working for a company in a tech job for a year. It's an entry level position.

I previously had a manager who was great. I felt motivated, felt like I was learning, got good constructive feedback. Fast forward a few months and said manager left.

I now have a manager who I can only describe as a one man clown show. Would it be petty of me when I finally leave to blame him for not wanting to stay? The senior management will ask me why I want to leave, and I want to say it's down to this new manager. But I'm 50/50 on it, considering it could make me look bad myself.

The manager will micromanage me by calling me multiple times a day, to the point where I often lose an hour + of productivity each day because I'm constantly justifying my actions to him. Despite this, he gives me feedback saying that he wants me to be more independent.

His communication skills are poor. When I ask him a question thats tech related, hes never able to give me a straight answer and will deflect blame onto me, asking why I don't know said information.

He will berate me on our daily scrum call for mistakes I've made, in front of my colleagues. This is despite us discussing mistakes privately beforehand.

Tries to micromanage others through me. Asks me to write emails to colleagues on the same project as me, but lists exact things he wants me to write. To chase other people up, and remind people to include particular things in reports etc.

He previously gave me 10 days in budget for a piece of work that I said would take 2 months. After working crazy long hours for 3 weeks to get it done, he says he wants to organise a meeting with the head honcho and I, to discuss why it took me so long.

I've tried to give him verbal feedback before, but he just speaks over me and doesn't let me talk. I've attempted to align myself with other projects so I don't have as much contact with him, but I've had no luck. This guy is leading everything my team does day to day.

Will it make me look better if I just leave and don't burn any bridges? What would you do

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