
I’m considering either quitting today or give my two weeks soon what should I do?

So last night at my job was a complete Shitshow, , half my usual people are on vacation and my only other line person called in sick I work at a VERY POPULAR Mexican restaurant down a road filled with restaurants and usually 2 to 3 people are on line and 2 are on window but today it was only me (a line person) 1 window person and an old man who does dishes and knows nothing else. And it's Saturday very busy day a shit ton of delivery orders and I'm the sole one who has to make all this the dish guy isn't much help on line honestly I do better without him. So I threaten my boss I might walk out because this is too much for me, but he doesn't get back to me until way after we closed saying something along the lines “if you…

So last night at my job was a complete Shitshow, , half my usual people are on vacation and my only other line person called in sick I work at a VERY POPULAR Mexican restaurant down a road filled with restaurants and usually 2 to 3 people are on line and 2 are on window but today it was only me (a line person) 1 window person and an old man who does dishes and knows nothing else. And it's Saturday very busy day a shit ton of delivery orders and I'm the sole one who has to make all this the dish guy isn't much help on line honestly I do better without him. So I threaten my boss I might walk out because this is too much for me, but he doesn't get back to me until way after we closed saying something along the lines “if you walk out you'll get fired your attitude draws people away I don't get why you can't do it other stores do it” when I'm usually very chopper during work I was just understandably passed off I gotta make 9 orders with 13 items on food for each one. The text is much more rude than I explained it but I didn't want to drag it out. I was gonna be the nice guy when I quit put the 2 weeks notice in and everything but now…I feel like I should just quit now what should I do guys? Any advice?

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