
Yall should read marx and lenin

Posting this on such a large sub is probably some kind of fart in the wind, but work is not the real problem, its the way its exploited under capitalism. If you want to work in a meaningful and interesting way while having enough leisure and self-development time to live a happy and healthy life, instead of some bullshit job created to make more profit for a few billionaires, you should look up Marxist philosophy instead of wanting to abolish the idea of work itself.

Posting this on such a large sub is probably some kind of fart in the wind, but work is not the real problem, its the way its exploited under capitalism. If you want to work in a meaningful and interesting way while having enough leisure and self-development time to live a happy and healthy life, instead of some bullshit job created to make more profit for a few billionaires, you should look up Marxist philosophy instead of wanting to abolish the idea of work itself.

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