
Got fooled and betrayed by a CEO while looking for a decent place, should I take revenge on him ? (read everything first, it’s complicated)

As a bit of context, I got my University degree this June, and after a few weeks of well-deserved rest I decided to look for work. Being limited by my mobility, I needed a job easily accessible, which limited my search more than I expected. The first few weeks were very though, as most interview ended up sounding like “do you accept being paid minimal wage to start and would you mind doing some unpaid overtime when needed ?” to which I always responded by “I didn't do the university to be paid as much as a secretary” and “I work to live, I don't live to work, so no free overtime”. With those response, most boss were like “don't worry, we will end up finding someone desperate enough to work with those conditions” and never called back. After that, I decided to work with “headhunters”, people that do the…

As a bit of context, I got my University degree this June, and after a few weeks of well-deserved rest I decided to look for work.

Being limited by my mobility, I needed a job easily accessible, which limited my search more than I expected. The first few weeks were very though, as most interview ended up sounding like “do you accept being paid minimal wage to start and would you mind doing some unpaid overtime when needed ?” to which I always responded by “I didn't do the university to be paid as much as a secretary” and “I work to live, I don't live to work, so no free overtime”.

With those response, most boss were like “don't worry, we will end up finding someone desperate enough to work with those conditions” and never called back.

After that, I decided to work with “headhunters”, people that do the searching part of finding a job and they take a cut on the salary for the first 3 months once you get an actual contract.

This proved to be the right choice as they oriented me toward a job offer that corresponded perfectly to my profile. I managed to get a job interview with the CEO of a rather small company (5 workers).

The first interview went extremely well, I matched exactly what they needed, and the guy was 100% clear about salary and overtime. He would have paid me the fair amount and overtime would be rare, and always paid 1,5X the normal amount. He then told me he had other people to see, but will be in touch soon.

10 days later he called me back, saying there was still an hesitation between me and another guy, so he asked me if I could wait another 7 days before another interview, I then agreed because I got a great feeling about it.

Once I got there, he was smiling and told me the interview with the other guy went horribly, so he showed me around, explained me the fringe benefits and I met my future colleagues. As I was leaving, I asked him if it was a clear YES or if he was still doubting. He confirmed I was the one, but told me he would only hire me around 40 days later, because it aligned better with the leaving of another worker there. As it was a “confirmed” place, I had no issue waiting for it. I don't need the money that urgently.

10 days before the day I was supposed to be hired (so 30 days after the last interview and around 50 after the first one), the guy left a message saying “sadly I cannot insure you you gonna get the contract, I need to discuss it with the shareholders in this month meeting, because I was overqualified afterall”.

I looked at the shares for this company, and as the CEO (the guy that guaranteed me the job) owns 90% of them, I immediately felt something was off, so I phoned the headhunter to know how the negociation went.

The headhunter told me the CEO refused to pay the fees (300€ per month for the first 3 months) despite agreeing with me on paying those. He even laughed about how 900€ is no deal for a company during the first interview. The headhunter also felt something was off, as the guy had another speech with him, trying to cut down my salary at the source before I even started.

While confronting the CEO (the next day) about how he promised me the job, he responded by saying he changed his mind like all people do, and so I could simply look for another job. By his words “I own you nothing, I changed my mind so just forget this company and leave me alone”.

I then proceeded to investigate further by collecting the accountability and all the official writings I could get on the company. I've spotted MANY frauds on the official writings, principally to pay less taxes or save the CEO's ass in case of a bankruptcy.

Now I seriously don't know what to do. This guy wasted almost 2 months of my life by promising me a decent job I won't get and I just want to take revenge on him, but I hesitate to do so.

I've enough proofs of his illegal activities to give to the authorities so he can get into serious trouble. If I give all the data to the state with my highlights (highlighting the frauds so it's extremely easy to prove the falsified accounts), the guy either risk his company closing or a very salty fee to pay, and we are not talking about 900€ here, but rather a few years of tax fraud worth of money.

So what should I do ? Is it morally right to take revenge by exposing his illegal activities for him wasting my time or should I simply forget it and move on ?

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